Sunday 1 July 2018

Memories stocked at Pangong Tso Lake!

A drive to this beautiful lake has lent me some of the most wonderful experiences. It was this time that I realized more than ever, I shall never be contented with the sedentary lifestyle, and that I shall always be haunted by thoughts if someday I had to drench myself for the rest of my life under a roof. Nature has its own ways of instilling peace within an individual just as it infuses life within streams, trees, etc; and here I was at Pangong Tso Lake.

There are huge monasteries around the region that reside in the vastness of the huge spread of the mountain range, where the topography is so rich that it provides clearance into lots of scientific phenomenon that so far I'd studied in books such as mirage, iridescence, amongst a host of others.

Having been to this place, I wondered how minute particle I am in this world.

My time there was just getting more enriched with each passing moment, and I did not want to bid adieu to this paradise. This lake may be saline, but the experiences that it instills one with are sweet, rather pleasant and to carry them with oneself for lifetime. The journey to this lake had been through a rough terrain with scenic and picturesque mountainous roads throughout.

The migratory colourful Himalayan birds with richness of their vibrancy are pure delight to give you company all along the stay and throughout the way.

Most of us exist for most of the time in worlds which are humanly arranged, themed and controlled. One often forgets that there are places which do not respond to the taps on the screen, flicks of a switch or the twist of a dial, and which have their own rhythm and orders of existence. Pangong Tso Lake, for me, corrected me on this amnesia. By speaking of greater forces of nature than we can possibly invoke, and by confronting us with greater spans of time than we can possibly envisage, lakes such as this refute our excessive trust in the man-made.

The essence that icy cold water had and the crystal clear bottom sent a thrill up my spine. It was definitely like one of those moment when the closest I have ever felt to God, and the very air in the atmosphere was so pure.

The first glimpses of these serene and bright blue sheet layers of waters and the rocky lakeshore is for sure to etched in your memory for a lifetime.

The lake is nothing short of heaven symbolising peace and serenity in the finest way. I have never even seen as many shades of blue at one time as I saw here. The scene was almost as if God had taken his hands on the paintbrush with a blue palette, spraying colours, and in those moments a spell had been cast and I was rendered speechless, may be they knew the secret. There was no attention to any boundaries of the spread of vastness.

This spectacular lake view has been an experience for which I would say that some dreams should just not be dreamt but felt.

- Hardik

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